The Grounding Noise Reducer (GNR) from TELOS AUDIO DESIGNS (TAIWAN) has been around for some years. It has progressed from version 2.1 to version 3.1, then to version 5.1 and (maybe) finally to current version 5.1 Plus. Every upgrade involved new additions to the previous version. The current 5.1 Plus has Schumann Resonators built into its circuitry, and it was built with careful and specialised part selection (similar to that employed by FM ACOUSTICS) at a ratio of 1 out of 16. In term of performance, each upgrade has brought about more ‘non-audible background‘.

To me, the main purpose of tweak(s) and/or addition(s) to any main audio system was to bring about the ‘actual intended music‘ to the listener (or for some, the “intended coloration” of the music). One of the main hindrance to that was the noise at the background that veiled the portrayal of details,… especially those minute and subtle details,…that allowed the music to be the ‘actual intended music’.

In simplification, the TELOS GNR has the Computer Processing Unit (CPU) to constantly calculate, generate and maintain similar Reference Voltage of all connected components’ equipment chassis and audio circuitry, with the connected Ground…thus, (to me) an Active Grounding system (dissimilar with a Passive Grounding system). Some believed that the GNR was not to replace the Passive Grounding but as an add on to an audio system (which was the combination in my audio system!). However, I do not recommend connecting an audio component to both GNR and a Passive Grounding system simultaneously.

For the review, I connected the TELOS 5.1 Plus to my FM ACOUSTICS 268C preamplifier through its tape output, and the digital streamer HIFI ROSE 150B through its digital output, with the supplied ground cables from TELOS AUDIO DESIGNS.

Previously, before the arrival of the TELOS 5.1 Plus, my audio system was already connected to my other TELOS GNR 2.1 (2 x unit), TELOS GNR 3.1 (1 x unit), and multiple ENTREQ ground boxes of different models with their dedicated ground cables of different models/ materials. They were connected to different audio components for best result (to me), but never to the same audio component(!). I thought my audio system was already cleaned and quiet (enough),…with non audible background.

The TELOS 5.1 Plus (from cold out of the box), upon connection and operation, proved to me that there was still noise at the background of my audio system, as it managed to open out another layer of the soundscape of the soundstage, and provided clearer revelation of details within it.

The entire audio landscape became bigger,… sounded opened and LOUDER(!!!). However, the image(s), whether be vocal(s) or instrument(s) never be out of scale.

At the BALLAD OF RUNAWAY HORSES, the distinctiveness of Ms. Warners’ vocal remained separated with space and air from the accompanying double bass by Mr. Wasserman. There was even that convincing illusion of space and air of the recording venue that extended to the listening position,…thus the sensation of being in the recording venue with the performers.

Ms. Aisyah Aziz’s rendition of ‘KILLING ME SOFTLY‘ was personal, intimate, emotional and touching,… and was recorded well with many refinements in details, space and air. Here, the addition of the TELOS 5.1 Plus opened up a new level of tangibility and weight to the vocalist backed with an obvious black and quiet background,…a seductive expression on the part of the vocalist (and credits to the recording also).

Currently, this is my ‘go to’ album for any new review especially with the track ‘PRIDE‘ where I got to experience, the glory of the grand piano played by Mr. Satoru Shionoya and the seductive voice of Ms. Miki Imai. The TELOS 5.1 Plus has allowed more seductiveness, intimacy, sweetness and emotion to her rendition of the lyrics, coupled with the tangibility and weight to each note from the grand piano behind a spacious and airy backdrop.

At the track ‘DREAMER‘, there were multiple instruments at play, however the addition of TELOS 5.1 Plus allowed me to hear a cleaner, more separated and space among the different instruments, and their note’s beginning to its end. It was so much easier to follow, understand and enjoy the music,…as it was meant to be.

This is the track to blast any audio system (beware of the audio system’s inability) and I have been using it to test some big audio systems (beware! Not all audiophile/ owners welcome it). I was happy to report that the TELOS 5.1 Plus allowed greater clarity, definition, delineation and outline to the bass (from mid to low low frequencies!)…even admist such heavy electronic music (/noise to some),…there was civility, separation and space that made the noise (to some) to be an enjoyable music.

At the techno track ‘MI CORAZON‘, a “mixture” of percussion, instrumentation, experimental, jazz, organic acoustic, orchestra, etc, which was enjoyable and yet, challenging. Do not treat the track as an easy going track…any lesser audio system would easily present a congestion of noise especially at its peak. The TELOS 5.1 Plus easily un-congested the entire presentation from start to the end, and allowed the listener to enjoy the full differences of each instrument played/ used in the entire presentation.
I realised some years ago the importance of Grounding and encouraged every audiophile to at least try it in their respective audio systems, even though they have sufficiently grounded them.
The Passive Grounding system has been a start for me then, however the Active Grounding System such as the TELOS GNRs was my advances and reference in Grounding…with 4 units running now!