This is one of my staple turntable that caught the attention of my audio Sifu or Teacher. Mr. Ng Cheong Bing was an analogue audio distributor for some years and has retired recently. He told me he wanted to have a good analogue source and asked me for recommendation. I invited him to come to my audio den to …
Think about it, what better to remove the accumulated dirt and flirt at the stylus tip at the end of the play of your precious record? The DS Audio ST-50 is of a gel compound that easily trap the unwanted dirt and flirt off the stylus, and it is washable with detergent and warm water. I believe the gel compound …
ARIES CERAT INCITO S I think my first meet up in person with Stavros Danos, the founder and head designer of Aries Cerat was way back in 2016 when he visited me here in Malaysia. I arranged a gathering for the introduction of Aries Cerat and the Kassandra 2 Limited Edition Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC) to some audiophiles …
TriangleArt Master Reference Turntable, Osiris 2 Tonearm and Apollo MC phono cartridge. Firstly, A Review I have followed Tom Vu and TriangleArt’s development since before my review of their Apollo MC phono cartridge (available here at I liked that piece of transducer so much so that I ended up purchasing it. Later, I travelled to and paid Tom …
Chisto Easy Groove has two types: the immediate Spray and Wipe, and the Concentrate. The immediate Spray and Wipe is to be used as the name suggest. I tried it on a number of new sealed and used LPs, I found that it immediately gave a clarity and improved detail over all presentation. You will and can hear the …
My first article and it was for Skogrand Markarian 421 Danon Han on his experience with SC and SCI Markarian 421: “I m getting improvement in all sonic aspects from my audio system through the Skogrand cables…sensuous and enveloping…delightful enjoyment…since the Skogrand cables came into my system, they reinvent my perception of what ultra end audio system can be. …
I-Qual Vacuum Disc Mate IQ1300A. DS-Audio have been busy with their optical phono cartridge and equalizer system for some time due to ongoing healthy demand from the audio community. As their networks improved, DS Audio set up a separate entity, DS Exports, to distribute some of their locally branded audio/analogue related products to the world. I knew Tetsuaki Aoyagi …
Brutale Achilles, Pilium Audio Stereo Amplifier Pilium Audio’s Next Entry I readily admit that I am attracted to the brand Pilium Audio by the muscular looks of their products, especially their Achilles stereo amplifier of the Brutale range. On the other hand, I am also a fan of (smaller size) Linn products, especially their LP12 turntable and Klimax 500 Solo …
I was told “an audiophile is measured by the tools he/she uses”. Personally, I think this was meant more for an analogue audiophile. Most record spinners will have a record brush at their disposal for obvious reasons. Most people do not realize it does have positive contribution to better audio performance. The gentleman who made the above statement was …
The Encounter Pilium Audio hails from Greece but its business is registered in the country of Bulgaria. They have been around for a few years but only recently introduced their high end line of audio products, the Brutale series, namely the Ares line stage preamplifier and the Achilles stereo power amplifier. Mr Constantino of Pilium Audio contacted me one fine …