All whom have heard the Beast of an Amplifier agreed that they ‘have not met a Gentler and Sweeter Beast!’
Monthly Archives: September 2022
The quest for more (enjoyment of) music from our existing audio set up usually come with a price…add Subwoofer(s)?!
This time around, I got to listen to the audio set up together with some seasoned audiophile. The following was a written review from Joseph Ki (of the famed collector of LS3/5A),“…listening to it live is of course better than a portable recording. This time Lu Da’s focus is on the low frequency, increasing its energy and then controlling it. …
I believe that once you change the final transducers, you are in for a whole new audio presentation. Here, my audiophile friend decided to upgrade his loudspeakers to the WILSON SASHA. I was there a few times already, my impression was ‘dynamic, good PRaT and detail’…a few more steps in fine tuning, I believe that “(Ms.) Sally Yeh (Hong Kong …