The final installment of our photo collection of the TAIWAN HI END AUDIO SHOW 2019. Zurin Turntable from Taiwan! Yours truly with the chief designer and owner of StormTank! Telos from Taiwan has showcased their ambitious GODKILL GROUNDING MONSTER…their ultimate in grounding solution for your precious audio components to squeeze that very last but most crucial ounce of detail and …
Monthly Archives: August 2019
Taiwan Audio Industry flourishes with new ideas and products… …the Kickstarter Project gave birth to some innovative Bluetooth and WiFi connected speakers that sounded pretty amazing. Kronos should be proud! China’s audio industry has been manufacturing some serious analogue phono cartridges for some branded products for some times… …they believed that it’s high time that they should have their brand(s)… …
Well, there is an interesting proposal here… This room is not the usual demo of audio components and their brand… …but, audio room renovation, tune up and set up! Franck Tchang’s latest innovation in Loudspeakers… …and room tuning. FM Acoustics have solid branding in Taiwan! TechDas is well represented here too. ‘ More to come…enjoy
More photos to enjoy from the show. Maybe that’s a great idea…a pair of big teddy bears as bass trap! …and I thought Restek is out of commission?! Stay tune for more…enjoy
This is my first time to the Taiwan and its Hi End Audio Show (2019)… It’s pretty much an impromptu arrangement and encouraged by dear audiophile. Please enjoy the photos and videos that I have taken here…enjoy That’s Julian Kok in his first audio trip here too. Beer Barrels as the speakers cabinets?! Sounded awesome too! Pretty Awesome refurbished JBLs! …
Mr.Lai allowed me to grace his audio system that comprised a wonderful pair of Dynaudio C4 loudspeakers. I was told that these C4 were heavily modified with superior audiophile parts at the internal crossovers. The internal wires were swapped with better conduit, to say the least. The main source here was none other than the Analogue. The Turntable of …