Monthly Archives: January 2025

Bryston Bi-200 Integrated Amplifier

‘Half a Century’ of Bryston! The Canadian Audio Brand Bryston, renowned for their State of the Art amplifiers/ audio electronics designs and manufacture for both professional and consumer marketplace/ industry for more than fifty [50] years, that came with an unprecedented twenty [20] years warranty,…decided to make a ‘no compromise‘ integrated amplifier. With half a century of know how and …

FELIKS AUDIO ARIOSI 300B Integrated Amplifier.

After I did the review of Feliks Audio Echo 2 headphone amplifier, I realised that Feliks Audio did design and manufacture quality tube electronics that sounded good,…especially given that they ‘designed and wound their dedicated transformers‘. When their local distributor, AV Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd asked if I be interested to listen and review their 300B tube integrated amplifier,…I jumped …