Throughout the review sessions of the GENESIS Series 7 Foxtrot loudspeakers, not once I listen to the Series 7 Minuet loudspeakers. I wanted the experience with them to be fresh and unbias from the Foxtrot loudspeakers’ conclusion.
It was clear from Gary Koh’s sharings that all three [3] number of models in the Series 7 loudspeakers, the Foxtrot, the Tango and the Minuet must, first and foremost, fulfill the ‘GENESIS Legacy‘ and ‘GENESIS Sound Quality‘.
He initiated that by employing similar designs, quality parts, construction and cabinetry in all Series 7 loudspeakers. Furthermore, the Minuet loudspeakers, being the smallest model in the group was supposed to be at the lowest retail price per pair of US $10,000 (which was half [1/2] the retail price of the Foxtrot loudspeakers,…a challenge indeed?).
From the specifications and the products at hand, I noticed that the Minuet loudspeakers did not have the Foxtrot loudspeakers’ two [2] Genesis 8″ isobaric loaded subwoofers per loudspeaker,…I seriously doubted that the removal of those ‘drivers‘ and a ‘smaller cabinet’ of the same construction and material of the Minuet loudspeakers could actually reduced the cost thus the retail price to half of the Foxtrot loudspeakers?
However, he would still want the Minuet loudspeakers to provide the followings:-
(A) ‘Dynamic range so wide, it took listeners’ breath away,
(B) Detail retrieval was so stunning that you could often hear the performers breathing;
(C) Three-dimensional imaging so true that the listener felt virtually amidst the very…
(D) Presence of the musicians’,
(E) Life Size Soundstage and Soundscape,
(F) Intimate, Warmth and Natural timbre,
(G) Spacing/ Air among the Images,
(H) Huge sweet spot,
(I) Quality of bass and not quantity of bass (and the sealed box acoustic suspension results in the deep, tight, tuneful bass that Genesis is renowned for)’.
Entered the MINUET Loudspeakers.
I used the same audio components/ set up, and even placed the Minuet loudspeakers at almost the same position throughout the review/ listening sessions, as for the Foxtrot loudspeakers.
From the specifications sheet of the Minuet loudspeakers, I noticed that they have similar tweeters and mid woofer, as the bigger Foxtrot loudspeakers. Therefore, as suspected that the Minuet loudspeakers have an almost similar coloration, character and resolution as their bigger sibling, the Foxtrot loudspeaker (similarly, as the Foxtrot loudspeakers have similarities with the other bigger GENESIS loudspeakers…that was the intended idea).
Here, Ms.Dominique Fils-Aime‘s intimacy and rawness in her vocalisation at the track, ‘Bird‘ (album ‘Nameless‘) were expressed with openess (/without boundaries) in resolution through the Minuet loudspeakers,…that accumulated to an ‘almost‘ tangible sensation. Here, the listening experience exemplified (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G).
The resolution of the Minuet loudspeakers were equally transparent to the minute nuances in the vibrato and vocalisation of the artist, Ms.Kim Yuna to present her intended stylisation in the track, “Going Home” from her album titled, ‘315360‘. The presentation of the minute nuances and stylisation of the artist represented (in part or whole) her ‘human emotion‘ poured into the performance.
To me, the level of transparency of a loudspeaker to the ‘human emotion‘ was of paramount importance. What was music but a (1)‘PRESENTATION OF EMOTION(s)’,…and which the Minuet loudspeakers have successfully exemplified!
Similarly, I noticed the same resolution and intimacy for the vocal was also for an(y) instrument, the violin. Here, Ms.Nicola Benedetti‘s violin rendition of the track, ‘Schindler’s List‘ was presented with vividness, weight, size, dimensions, presence (of the instrument),…and (also) the minute nuances such as the violinist’s (artistry) soft and refined transitions between the strings at her violin,…thus exemplified (B), (C), (D) and (F).
Here, at the track, ‘Drums Stop, No Good‘, the Minuet loudspeakers proved their formidability in presenting an actual drum set,…its size, scale and what it could deliver,…the quality bass, and all its articulation, agility (nimbleness), definition, delineation (outline), space and air between notes,…and yet (at the same instance) managed to showcased clear and distinct separation with other accompanied musician(s) and instrument(s).
In addition, that track when played louder, I discovered that the Minuet loudspeakers did not falter but (still) easily maintained that liveliness and all the energies of the play,…(2)‘THOSE MINUETS COULD (really) DANCE!‘,…thus exemplified (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H) and (I).
Oh Yes(!), now that the volume has been UP!…I continued with Kent Nagano and the Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal‘s play of ‘Mussorgsky: A Night on the Bare Mountain‘,…and I was pleasantly amazed by the (3)‘THEATRICAL-LIKE AURAL PRESENTATION‘ (especially) from a pair of diminutive sized loudspeakers (?).
The amazement continued with ‘Percussion Quartet: IV.-‘ from the above album,…with the number of instruments at convincing scale, size and dimensions,…with close and intimate sensation,…at a large (theatrical-like) sound-stage and large (theatrical-like) sound-scape. Here, I compared the experiences: listening and experiencing the theatrical-like aural presentation,…and looking at the size of the Minuet loudspeakers,…(only) confirmed that they maybe diminutive in size but BIG in PRESENTATION! (hinted the conclusion?),…thus truly exemplified (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H) and (I).
BIG PRESENTATION but minuet size!
The GENESIS Series 7 Minuet loudspeakers may not have the ‘finality‘ of the lowest octave, presence, separation, articulation and scale of their larger sibling, the Foxtrot loudspeakers. However, the Minuet loudspeakers did successfully fulfilled the ‘GENESIS Legacy‘ and ‘GENESIS Sound Quality‘, and sounded so ‘darn near‘ to the Foxtrot loudspeakers (at half the retail price).
Finally, the Minuet loudspeakers at a diminutive size and yet being an ‘able transducers’ that defined the following findings; (1)‘PRESENTATION OF EMOTION(s)’, (2)‘THOSE MINUETS COULD DANCE!‘ and, (3)‘THEATRICAL-LIKE AURAL PRESENTATION‘,…
…were Visually and Aurally MIND-BOGGLING!
Musical Range
E1 (41.2Hz) to max
85 dB 1 watt 1 meter
Input Impedence
4 ohms (nominal)
HF Transducers
Two Genesis 1″ ring radiator ribbon Tweeters (1 front, 1 rear)
One Genesis 5.5″ titanium cone
Soft/Bright (+/- 4.5dB)
5-way Genesis binding posts
H 42″ x W 12″ x D 14.5″
System Weight (per side)
60 lbs
Natural Bamboo
Other finishes on application