Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amplifier has landed at Creative AV (MALAYSIA)!

CREATIVE AV (MALAYSIA) or CAV has been in the audio business for around sixteen [16] years, and has been working well with most local audio distributors and dealers (How do I know?…’coz most of them that I talked to have businesses with CAV).

When Alex, the head honcho of CAV informed me that his company would be representing Western Electric from USA, I was so excited that I made him promised me to be there with him to ‘Open Box’ their first unit of the well received, WE 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amplifier!

CAV brought in three [3] units of the WE 91E.
Loading Plugs for MC Phono Stage (optional)
The Highly Sought After WE cables, available at CAV.
Single Multi Strands Cable.