DS AUDIO MASTER-1 Optical Phono Cartridge & Equilizer…Revisited!

The current LOCKDOWN due to the pandemic COVID-19 has allowed me to revisit the rest of my audio components.

“I was so pleased with the sound quality of the DS AUDIO MASTER-1 system on my TECHNICS SP10R Direct Drive Turntable. It was mesmerising, to say the least”.

It happened late in the evening when my family recommended that I go to my Den for my usual listening session…they wanted the tele’ for themselves.

Okay…so I went to my Den and say to myself, its time to listen to something else than the usual ‘suspects’. I switched ‘ON’ the DS AUDIO, TECHNICS, FM ACOUSTICS, VITUS, GRYPHON AUDIO,…spin a vinyl and waited a few seconds for the music before returning to the sofa.

The music came ‘alive’, fully extented all the way to my seated position which was about 11′ plus. The images were rock solid with a high degree of palpability, coherency, well spaced out from one another as if you could walk around them,…from a spacious wall to wall soundstage!

The mid to low frequencies were strong, stout, taut and at times, voluptuous. However, they were also tuneful, defined and controlled…with a little help from my FM ACOUSTICS 268C preamplifier’s ‘Linearizer’ feature (that acts as a simplified EQ attuneation and yet, not an Equilizer).

So far, to me, the DS AUDIO system spelled “H. A. P. P. I. N. E. S. S.