I-QUAL IQ1300A VACUUM DISC MATE…An Alternative Add On?!

Recent Movement Control  Operation (MCO) has allowed me to play around my many audio components.

I planned to try the I-qual Vacuum Mate separate magnesium platter, on the Kronos Pro Ltd turntable.

I have to readjust the VTA of the Black Beauty tonearm for the combined thickness of both the original platter and the I-qual Vacuum Mate.

After a rough estimate of the new VTA, I spun the first vinyl…

I noticed the difference in noise floor…

more details,…

…imaging with more rounded delineation,…

smoother edges,…

…, the dynamic, transient and bass attacks remained Kronos’!

An Alternative to what I am used to…that’s the Hobby and the Journey?!

Website: ds-exports.biz