The Grounding Noise Reducer (GNR) from TELOS AUDIO DESIGNS (TAIWAN) has been around for some years. It has progressed from version 2.1 to version 3.1, then to version 5.1 and (maybe) finally to current version 5.1 Plus. Every upgrade involved new additions to the previous version. The current 5.1 Plus has Schumann Resonators built into its circuitry, and it was …

Audio Padawan

My recent audio trip to Ipoh, MALAYSIA brought me to a new audiophile. He likes to remain anonymous for the meantime (I respect his wish). However, after some persuasion, he agreed to the following post only. Upon Entering the Audio Den, I was greeted by one of my favourite turntable, the ROKSAN TMS Mk.3 Turntable by Touraj Moghaddam (currently, the …