Pilium Audio Brutale Achilles Stereo Amplifier (Discontinued)

BRUTALE ACHILLES, PILIUM AUDIO Stereo Amplifier Pilium Audio’s Next Entry I readily admit that I am attracted to the brand Pilium Audio by the muscular looks of their products, especially their Achilles stereo amplifier of the Brutale range. On the other hand, I am also a fan of (smaller size) Linn products, especially their LP12 turntable and Klimax 500 Solo mono …

Levin Record Brush

  I was told “an audiophile is measured by the tools he/she uses”. Personally, I think this was meant more for an analogue audiophile. Most record spinners will have a record brush at their disposal for obvious reasons. Most people do not realize it does have positive contribution to better audio performance. The gentleman who made the above statement was …

Level the Platter!

I will always level the turntable platter before setting up the tone arm and aligning the phono cartridge.  A leveled platter ensures that the bearing sit perpendicularly in its housing. Therefore, it will minimize the bearing friction. Thus, the desired rotational speed can easily be achieved and at lesser energy spent. Better performance and quieter background…to say the least!