Tombo Audio from Thailand have been working on a piece of metal-alloy baffle, the SYMPHONIC Q-01 (hereinafter referred to as SQ-01) which is to be placed between the tweeter and the woofer driver of most loudspeaker to “organize” the unwanted ‘diffraction energy’ generated (espeacially by the woofer).
The diffraction energy, if not organize properly, would most definitely hamper the performance of most, if not all the drivers, thus the total sound quality of the loudspeakers. Therefore, many loudspeakers designs have incorporated sponge, curves, shapes and other absorptive materials to organize such diffraction energy.

Tombo Audio together with Mr.James C3, have researched much into the design, shape, pattern and materials used for the SQ-01. They discovered that each or certain pattern worked well at a particular frequency. Therefore, a combination of the selected patterns was discovered to organize the desired bandwidth of frequencies.
The following pictures of each pattern to best organize the particular frequency

In the case of bass-reflex or port design such as transmission line etc., the same resonance problem will be encountered. The diffraction was also caused around the port area, which is the same as between the tweeter and woofer.
We found a solution to solve this problem by studying the resonated of each frequency which created diffraction. The pattern of every frequency has the same specific resonated point which creates interference with each other as shown in the pictures”.

“We took those specific points from these patterns and created a Symphonic Q-01 or SQ-01 that would act as an organizer. After we install this piece in the sensitive area between tweeter and woofer, the resonance that is generated on the surface of the SQ-01 will be decreased along the marked pattern and diffraction issues on the speaker are minimized. This solution is different and superior to traditional methods such as using a sponge to absorb resonance and SQ-01 will not change the tonal balance and harmonics of the speaker”. (Excerpts taken from

They discovered that the earlier square shape design has four corners that would act as wave guides that limited its efficacy. Therefore, a decision was made for a circular/ elliptic shape for the purpose of an omni reflection for improved efficacy.

The research continued with the selection of materials (selected brass, silver, gold and platinum) and their proper ratio in the alloy used to make the SQ-01…”Each metal has its own unique sound harmonic. Mixing these metals in the right ratio creates beautiful harmonics that are pleasing for human ears“.
COMPLETE me loudspeaker?!
When I received a pair of the SQ-01, I was eager to try them out at my NAIM AUDIO (UK) DBL (vintage flagship) Loudspeakers, which to me, an already well balance sounding transducers (even with 15″ ATC woofers). They were the dream loudspeaker of mine since I came to hear them at 199x at the PENTA HIFI SHOW (UK).

I followed the SQ-01 installation instruction manual and used the supplied card board alignment ruler/ template to find the recommended position to place it.
My initial impression was that they brought about clarity and outline to the images within the soundstage. There was some improvement to the mid to lower frequencies in terms of definition, and delineation. At that time, I told (Mr.)Vattana ‘Audio Playboy’ Prasertnasung of Tombo Audio about the improvement,…he replied with a suggestion (instread) to have the SQ-01 placed at a slightly higher position (nearer to the tweeter).

He assured me that that slight increment in placement nearer to the tweeter should allow the SQ-01 to work its ‘magic‘ better (here, the word ‘magic‘ did not imply that the SQ-01 was another audio snake oil product).
I followed his (vague) suggestion, and did play around with a number of positions (different height/ nearness to the tweeter). I did notice some subtle and not so subtle improvements in sound quality at those different positions.
I found that the ‘best‘ position for the SQ-01 was when the depth of the soundstage became apparent…that was when I could hear the inner boundaries of the recording venue…literally, I could hear the reverb bouncing off the rear wall of the auditorium,…or the recording hall (if the recording permits).
music sounded more COMPLETE?
I believed the SQ-01 as a baffle managed to organize the diffraction energy thus minimized the interruption to the workings of the tweeter and woofer,…to bring forth a level of smoothness and quietness to the sound quality as a whole. I could easily hear the ‘start,…the life of each tone…until its impeding end‘;…(eg) from the start of the vibration of the string of a stringed instrument to the end of vibration at its string’s end,…the same of the grand piano key’s hammer at the string(s),…the stick struck at the drum skin…etc, etc, etc.
Even the bass notes were more defined, delineated, dimensional (3 D-ness) and proportionate (never too much/ overwhelm/ unrealistic). It proved that the mid and lower frequencies were cleaner and more controlled, and never encroached to the upper frequencies.
Every note, and key of every musical instrument became more literal and complete.
However, there was no audible shift in coloration and tonality of the loudspeaker in used…it was still the same NAIM DBL loudspeakers that I cherished.

Then I realized that the diffraction energy of the drivers was (too) toxic to the musicality and to the actual design performance of any loudspeaker.
There are many audio tweaks out there…many of them work and many do not in some audio set up. However, I am not deter to try as many as possible and available.
To me, a good tweak is the one that bring me closer to the music that I know and enjoy…and ‘I know what I liken to enjoy’.
If you know your loudspeaker in your audio set up, then you can easily appreciate the SQ-01 and its attributes to COMPLETE THE EXPERIENCE AND ENJOYMENT AT HAND!