I was honoured with another audiophile gathering at (Mr.) Jei’s audio set up in his beautiful and neat home. The fellowship was a warm welcome for us all. Many audio philosophy and understanding were shared among us…,and through that we better understood each’s desires in each audio set up.
My ‘Nasi Lemak’ is Not your ‘Wanton Mee’?
Two different dishes will never taste the same (eventhough the ingredients maybe the same)…that is the ‘Color of Life‘,…the same can be said for the appreciation in sound quality/ color of an audio set up.
Almost every audiophile appreciates and assigns different value to any one attribute in any one sound quality/ color. In other word, not all audiophile appreciates the same in any one sound quality/ color.
However, I liken to believe that there must be a certain ‘Universal Compromise(s)‘ where tonality is at a balance,…non-interference from any one particular bandwidth of frequencies over the other. Thus, allowing the full resolution of any/ all audio spectrum to be presented uninterupted.
The above sounds about right, but often than not, many audiophile whom have the same audio philosophy and understanding may pursue, argue or end up with a very different result in sound quality/ color…thus, the many arguments and fueds among audiophile.
There are those audiophile whom argue strongly against or for certain brand(s), tweak(s), accessor(ies), cable(s), component(s), dimensions of space, type of source(s), media, power, and,…loudspeakers placement…etc, etc, etc…
To my understanding, an audio set up is a ‘Compromise(s)‘ (to say the least) at an ‘Imperfect Environment and Conditions‘. There is ‘No‘ one method that can solve all or most audio anomalies…but only to minimise the effect of them.
Therefore, I like to use whatever methods available (the main reason to visit others’ audio set up, and to learn of their methods), passive or even electronic, to achieve my desired sound quality/ color.
Nevertheless, there are audiophile who claimed themselves to be ‘Master’ or ‘Guru’ of a certain ‘method’ at a certain sound quality/ color, and insisted adamantly that their ‘method’ is the only ‘method’,…and therefore any other ‘method’ is ‘wrong’.
To me,…each to his/ her own…I try not to be dogmatic and stubborn about sound quality/ color, there are more than one color in the world,…
…(even) more than one type of ‘Nasi Lemak’ and ‘Wanton Mee’!
Jei’s Nasi Lemak?
(Mr.)Jei is a thoroughbred audiophile who seeks to maximise the performance (goal) of his audio system. Therefore, he never shy away from any tweeks, accessories, etc to achieve that goal.
Here, the total sound quality has improved with clearer highs and more nimble, articulate and defined bass,…even the total noise level has further reduced too.
The images of instrumentations were denser, weightier, defined and (three) dimensional.
The musical presentation was more easy flowing,…the resolution was fuller,…and the sum of it all, was a more controlled presentation…almost a studio-like sensation.
He admitted to me that not all audiophile preferred his achieved sound quality/ color,…and added that the same could be said by him of others’.
For me, I have enjoyed and appreciated Jei’s effort and expenses in the latest audio set up,
…his passion in audio was unmissable.