FM Acoustics and LS 3/5a, a match made in audio heaven?! (Part 1)

I was invited to a meticulous audio set up in a living hall of a reasonably size apartment of Mr.Loo.

Upon my entrance to that apartment, there it was that audio set up that immediately impressed me of its array of tuning devices, electrical tune-up and an exhibition of a seasoned audio traveler.

Rarely did I came across such audio set up with so much attention to detail, even one that might cost several times over.

I suspected that the tune ups, both passive and active, might cost more than the actual audio components…my guess only.

We played quite a number of tracks of the common musical genre; vocal, jazz, classical, pop and electronic.

Mr. Loo was also meticulous about ‘playing at the right volume level’ for each track.

However, I might add that at times, he could be ‘generous and daring’ at the volume level!

I remembered that at a track of GRP Big Bang Music, he allowed that music to peaked above 100dB!

I doubted Mr.Loo was in the ‘loud playing game’ to impress. On the contrary, I believed he was making a point!

That GRP Big Bang Music was presented with control, accuracy and refinement. I did not feel  that the music was forced or that the audio system was at its peak!

In a way, there was power in that delivery.

No, it was not the Western Electric tube amp on duty that night.

It was the FM Acoustics 155 pre amp and 108 mono amplifier on duty that powered the delivery of the presentation that night.

The speakers on duty was the Rogers LS3/5a (60th Anniversary).

In term of vocal presentation, it was quite satisfying, as it has came to be expected from those mini monitors. 

As for detail retrieval and presentation, I believed that the audio system has presented what the source was capable of. 

As for the presentation of noise and background, I would say that it was ‘quiet enough’  given the elaborate effort of the owner put into  the electrical treatments and tune ups.

Mr.Loo shared to me that his audio journey has just gotten exciting since the introduction of FM Acoustics components into his audio set up!

Since that, he is pondering the possibility of getting another pair of loudspeakers…

But of course, he would still keep his venerable Rogers LS 3/5a!

I look forward to his next endeavor in his audio journey.

For me, Mr.Loo has already impressed me!

All the BEST in your audio journey…