The first GRYPHON AUDIO COMMANDER has landed!

The following article and photos courtesy of WTL TRADING;

“The arrival of the (GRYPHON AUDIO) Commander was an exciting one, as it was the first in Malaysia. Unpacking once again was relatively easy as the Commander came with a separate PSU.


When we say exciting was because we couldn’t wait to hook up the Commander to our clients newly installed (GRYPHON AUDIO) Apex recently delivered by us.


Once all the work was done it was time to power up the Commander and Apex. Some tweaks was done to the setup, and to keep it in short cause it took awhile and many tracks later. End result all we can say is MAGNIFICO & SUPERB!!!


Lastly on a summary of what this system could deliver was nothing short of natural flow, musicality, dark, abysmal bass, dynamism, transparency and control.

A marriage made in heaven.


As Gryphon would say about their logo. A Perfect Union. The Power of the Lion with the Grace of the Eagle. 


STAY TUNE!!! More to come from us in the future.

Any inquires about Gryphon Audio Designs products do contact us. Ms. Wee (012 6143049).

Thomas Borsting, TK Han, Gryphon Audio Designs“.