Monthly Archives: October 2022

KLAV 2022, the success thereof.

KLAV has been the prominent main audio event in MALAYSIA for almost three (3) decades. Most local audiophile take the opportunity to hear and experience their dream audio components there, and some even plan their next purchase there…and most take the opportunity to catch up with their audio buddies…and the latest audiophile gossip(?) Here are (only) some of the submitted …


Yesterday, I received a pleasant message from Joseph Ki (affectionately known as JoKi among the BBC LS 3/5a collectors/ audiophile) that he would be sending the KLAV 2022 CDs to me. Upon receipt of the CDs, I quickly and purposefully set up my FALCON LS 3/5a system for a listen…reason being that those tracks contained therein were monitored through JoKi’s …

The first GRYPHON AUDIO COMMANDER has landed!

The following article and photos courtesy of WTL TRADING; “The arrival of the (GRYPHON AUDIO) Commander was an exciting one, as it was the first in Malaysia. Unpacking once again was relatively easy as the Commander came with a separate PSU.            When we say exciting was because we couldn’t wait to hook up the Commander to our clients newly …