The Analogue Fellowship had our usual breakfast get-together with Rune Skov of Gryphon Denmark and TK Han, boss of Rave Audio Singapore, in the middle of a hazy, downtown KL.
Meeting Rune for the first time, you might mistake him for the captain of Real Madrid FC, Sergio Ramos. The resemblance is uncanny and Rune rolled up his sleeves to reveal tattoos featuring, yes, everything Real Madrid…
“My children are also named after the Galacticos of Real…,” Rune admitted.
On work, he travels the globe about 100 days out of a year and confessed it is no child’s play. Rune has been at it ever since he joined the audio fraternity 10 over years ago. Attending audio/Hi-Fi shows the world over, he has met more than his share of interesting people, cultures and components.
Rune is 46 years young but seemed to have been around much longer. He talks passionately about Gryphon, about being a Gryphonist and being able to communicate in many languages.
“I can speak Danish, English, German and understand French, Italian and Spanish,” said Rune.
Recently he was at the Hong Kong Hi-Fi Show where he demonstrated and explained the finer workings of the new CD player, the Ethos, from Gryphon.
“The Ethos is developed to engage the user with its ‘tonearm’ top opening tray,” said Rune, “and is stylishly designed to look really amazing.”
The Ethos CD player is also a DAC with three digital inputs and a StreamUnlimited CD Pro 8 transport. It is the brainchild of Fleming Erik Rasmussen, the Gryphon designer and it is supposed to reflect/mimic the routine of playing a record on a turntable.
“We are looking at mid to late September for global shipping of finished products,” said Rune, “ and we are hopeful that it will be warmly received by Gryphonists and all music lovers.”
Rune was covering Singapore, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh in the space of three days. Then he is off again to Jakarta and later on back to Denmark. Pretty soon he will be back on the road again, meeting more people and doing more demos.
“When I was out of high school, I worked as a roadie for rock bands, “said Rune. “It was such an exciting time for me, discovering new things and new places. I guess you have to be passionate in what you do and enjoy the ride.”
As they say in the film, ‘bands make it rock, roadies make it roll…’
With that, the Analogue Fellowship would like to wish Rune Skov of Gryphon Audio all the best and bon voyage!